
UDK: 624.9.001.3:624.046
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 61 (2009) 10
Paper type: Subject review
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Differences in estimating reliability of normal and exceptional structures

Boris Androić, Darko Dujmović, Ivan Lukačević


The division of structures into normal and exceptional ones is presented and explained from the standpoint of their differences in reliability.As estimation of reliability of exceptional structure is hindered by insufficient experience, and by the fact that they can not be measured against applicable standards, this analysis also focuses on individual categories of such structures.Based on differentiation between reliability of normal and exceptional structures, these two categories of structures are analyzed at the level of partial factors.

exceptional structures, partial factors, reliability, analysis of reliability, differences in analysis, normal structures


Androić, B., Dujmović, D., Lukačević, I.: Differences in estimating reliability of normal and exceptional structures, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (2009) 10


Androić, B., Dujmović, D., Lukačević, I. (2009). Differences in estimating reliability of normal and exceptional structures, GRAĐEVINAR, 61 (10)
Androic WEB
Boris Androić
I.A. projektiranje d.o.o., Zagreb
Croatian Academy of Engineering
DDujmovic 221112 WEB
Darko Dujmović
Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences
Ivan Lukacevic WEB
Ivan Lukačević
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering